Today I went to Westar Energy.I went there to see the peregrine falcon chicks. There were two males.We went with Mrs.Hedstrom,my principal. There was a male peregrine falcon that was recovering someone shooting it wing.We went on the roof to take blood samples and band the chicks. I actually got to help take blood samples. The mother and father were screaming most of the time. There were lots of cameramen there.There were two people from bird sanctuary's.One of the ladies came all the way from Minnesota. The lady said that 80% of the peregrine falcons in America are banded The lady that banded the birds goes all over the U.S banding birds. Me Gabe and Zech were the only kids.
Here's some peregrine falcon facts. Did you know that the peregrine falcons can go up 200 mph? That's pretty fast.One way to identify them is to look at their wings. They're more pointed than hawks. They were almost extinct because of a pesticide called DDT that bugs had and the the birds ate the bugs. Than the falcons ate the birds.
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