I just got back from kids camp. It was so awesome. The only bad part its in Augusta , KS.We were in a un-airconditioned bus for two and a half hours. on the way there I rode with my mom on the bus
You may be wondering why my mom went. She was my Cabin coach with Amber. I'm going to take you through a day of kids camp.
First I wake up and take a shower.By then most of the girls are awake and getting dressed. Once every one is ready we clean our cabin. By the way our cabin number is 207. Now we go to breakfast. After that we hang around for about 15 min. till its time for chapel. Then we do worship. After we watch hilarious Austin and Suzi. That pic. pretty much sums up Suzi and Austin.
The we learn a story with pastor Gail and Red.(Red is a dummy)
Now time for lunch. They always have good food. Then we usually have Island Time. The island is basically every thing except swimming and rec. I liked to hang out at the inflatables
Then we do two rec. Which is all different kinds of games. Ill tell you my favorite. It's a game that involves pool noodles
The we do Cabin Time. Which is devotions
Next we go swimming. I really liked to play Shark with my friends and go down the zipline.Usually backwards.
Then we go to camp video and games. After that we get dissmissed for dinner.
Then we go to breakouts or expeditions. One was hiking with DJ.
Then we went to response time .After that is free time. You do whatever you want
Thats a day at kids camp.On the last day they give a trophy to a 1 boy and a1girl for showing the fruit of the Spirit. I actually won it. I'm pretty sure there's at least 400 kids there.
By the way thats my cabin